Everyone Plays at the Library by Scott Nicholson

Everyone Plays at the Library by Scott Nicholson

Author:Scott Nicholson [NICHOLSON, SCOTT]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781573879132
Publisher: Information Today, Inc.

Shab-al-Hiri Roach, tabletop RPG, Bully Pulpit, $20, 2–6 players

Experience: Players take on the roles of faculty members scrambling for tenure with the influence of a powerful evil roach moving from person to person.

Demographic: Teens (older), adults

Complexity: Medium

Minimum Length: 3 hours

Interaction: Social interaction as players play both heroes and villains

Skills: Roleplaying, puzzle-solving, negotiation

Mouse Guard, tabletop RPG, Archaia Studio Press, $29.95, 2+ players

Experience: Individuals play mice working together to defend their homeland against attackers and both natural and unnatural threats.

Demographic: Children, teens (younger), adults (who are creative), seniors

Complexity: Medium

Minimum Length: Up to GM

Interaction: Social interaction, teamwork

Skills: Role-playing, puzzle-solving, teamwork, risk versus reward calculation

Tales of the Arabian Nights, board game, Z-man Games, $59.99, 2–6 players

Experience: One player reads from a Book of Tales and offers another player choices, and based upon the choices, the skills of the players, and some luck, players have a variety of adventures.

Demographic: Teens, adults, seniors

Complexity: Medium

Minimum Length: A full game is 30 minutes per player, but an earlier end can be set.

Interaction: There is little in-game interaction between characters, but players are reading stories to each other.

Skills: Light role-playing, strategy, risk versus reward calculation

Aye, Dark Overlord!, card game, Fantasy Flight Games, $24.95, 4–12 players

Experience: Players are henchmen who have failed their Dark Overlord in a quest and must provide a series of excuses as they relay the tale.

Demographic: Teens, adults (who are creative)

Complexity: Low to medium

Minimum Length: The game is best played to a specific time limit such as 15 minutes.

Interaction: Role-playing, negotiation

Skills: Quick creative thinking, storytelling


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